Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Resume du match France vs Espagne

Wednesday, June 14, 2006


I am surrendering

to gravity & to the unknown

Catch me, heal me…Lift me back up to the sun

Help me survive the bottom…

I choose to live, I choose to live…

Friday, June 09, 2006

My hero...

What is Infertility?

Infertility is the persistent inability to conceive a child. A couple is screened as infertile if, after 18 months of trying to get a baby, the couple fails to. Around 6.1 million couples only in the United States are infertile -- that is one in six couples.

Different causes can lead to infertility. More than 50% of these cases are male causes the other 50% are shared by 40% for women and the remaining 10% are listed as unknown factors.

In the majority of cases & let's not be so optimistic, infertility is treatable. Many cases are treated with techniques such as ovarian stimulation (which uses fertility drugs and try to collect eggs from the women ; a woman conceives normally each month one egg, in the case of ovarian stimulation, more than one egg is collected up to 20), followed by in vitro fertilization (IVF, fertilization is the meeting between female egg & male sperm which leads to an embryo formation) performed in a clinic where different techniques can be applied either using husband's sperm, donor sperm or cryo sperm. Cryopreservation is the process of freezing sperms, eggs or even embryos in a liquid nitrogen solution at -196 C. When these cryoed becomes necessarily, they are generally thawed and used again.

After a long process with IVF fertilization, comes the embryos count if any (embyos contain half genome from mother & half genome from father). These embryos are then transferred to female uterus (generally by the number of 3) and only then we can hope that the patient get pregnant or maybe not! Usually, the patient is monitored and the success rate is not more than 30 to 40% in majority of cases...

Advanced sciences & advanced human research on reproductive medicine have given infertile couples a very big hope and thus for better mankind's preservation... Most of the infertile couple will kill to have babies...On the other corner of the globe (maybe in the same country), people are killing each other or selling their child’s...

God have mercy on all mankind...